Examples & Explanations: Environmental Law, now in its FifthEdition, offers a problem method for learning that encourages students tomaster a basic understanding of the subject, problem solve, and thinkcreatively about complex environmental issues. Author Steven Ferrey’sclear and concise explanations of science, statutes, and regulations bringstudents up to speed and support an advanced understanding of environmentalissues.Examples & Explanations: Environmental Law, Fifth Edition,features:broad coverage that includes 20 areas of environmental law in 15chapters, with consistent cross-referencing throughout that link theconnections among different topicsthe proven-effective Examples & Explanations Series pedagogy—accessible exposition followed by well-crafted exercises and clear, completeanswersa student-friendly style and format that facilitates learning at anintroductory or more advanced level – ideal for courses involving a real-worldproblem-solving approacha logical organization that follows the order of topics in mostenvironmental law casebooksaccessible sections on must-know science in each chapterThe Fifth Edition of Examples & Explanations: Environmental Lawincludes:the Supreme Court’s recent plain meaning interpretation ofenvironmental statutesSuperfund issues in the wake of Atlantic Research andBurlington Northernstate efforts to regulate recyclablesthe “smart growth” movementan entire new section on global warming regulationupdated coverage of the Endangered Species Act and the Clean WaterActupdated and expanded coverage of the EU and Kyoto Protocol on carbonregulationSupreme Court recent case law on the Commerce Clause and other importantrecent cases concerning environment regulation, land use, and energy lawCompletely up-to-date through the Obama administration changes in its FifthEdition, Examples & Explanations: Environmental Law is an idealsupplement to courses on Environmental Law, Energy Law, or Land Use. Balancingacademic and real-world applications, it helps students test their knowledgeand practice applying the law to topical issues. Because it takes the studentsquickly to a sophisticated level, ideal for courses that use real-worldenvironmental problems as part of their pedagogy.