Business Equipment Tax Relief Programs

Maine has two programs targeted to help new and established businesses invest for growth by allowing them to recoup local property taxes paid on eligible business equipment and property. These programs are administered through Maine Revenue Services.

Business Equipment Tax Exemption ("BETE") Program

The BETE program is a 100% property tax exemption program for eligible property that was first subject to tax in Maine on or after April 1, 2008. BETE has largely replaced BETR and helps businesses avoid paying assessed taxes up front, rather than waiting and filing for a reimbursement, with no time limit to the exemption.

Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement ("BETR") Program

The BETR program reimburses taxpayers for local property taxes paid on most qualified business property. Qualified business property must have been placed in service between April 1, 1995 and April 1, 2007, or after April 1, 1995 for retail property. The reimbursement rate is 100% for the first twelve years and falls incrementally to 50% at year 18 and all subsequent years. This program is no longer in effect for new property and equipment, but ongoing participants can find more information about Business Equipment Tax Relief Programs here.

Contact Information:

Maine Revenue Services
Property Tax Division
P.O. Box 9106
Augusta, ME 04332

Phone: 207-624-9404 (BETR)