Tender of money
Tender of money is an offer to make payment. In case a valid tender of money is not accepted, it will have the following effects:
- The offer or is not discharged from his obligation to pay the amount.
- The offer or is discharged from his liability for payment of interest from the date of the tender of money.
Effect of refusal of party to perform promise Wholly Sec 39.
Promisor – Refuse – Promise – wholly
Promisee can put – can end of the contract or – he can continue the contract if he has given his consent either by words or – by conducts in its continuance.
Result – claim damages. [compensation]
Who can demand performance?
- Promisee – stranger can’t demand performance of the contract.
- Legal Representative – legal representative can demand Exception performance.
- contrary intention appears from the contract
- contract is of a personal nature.
- Third party – Exception to “stranger to a contract”
Person by whom promise is to be performed Sec 40
[who will perform the contract ]
- Promisor himself :- include personal skill, taste or art work.
Ex:- ‘A’ promises to paint a picture for ‘B’ as this promise involves personal skill of ‘A’. If must be performed by ‘A’.
- Promisor or agent :- [does not involves personal skill]
- Legal Representative [does not involve personal skill and taste]
- Third person [Sec 41] :-Acceptance of promise from the third party:-
If the promisor accepts performance of a contract by a third party, he can’t after wards enforce the performance against the promisor although the promisor had neither authorized not ratified the act of the third party.
[In other meaning once the promise accepts the performe from a third person, he cannot compel the promisor the perform the contract again]
Performance of Joint Promises:-
Two or more person make a promise
- Performed by all the joint promisor [42]
- All the joint promisor – liable
- Thus in India the liability of joint promisors is joint as well as several.
In England, however the liability of the joint promisors is only joint and not several and accordingly all the joint promisors must be sued jointly.
- Liability of joint promisor [43]
- Liability – joint as well as several [unless express A + B + C 900 D. D may compel either A, B or C or any of two of them or all of them.
- Where a joint promisor has been compelled to perform the whole promise, be may compel every other joint promisor to contribute equally with himself to the performance of the promise (unless a contrary intention appears from the contract).
C – 9000 – D A(3000) + B(3000) – C
- If any one of the joint promisors make default in such contribution, the remaining joint promisors must bear the loss arising from such default in equal shares
A + B + C – 9000 (A) – Insolvent B + C = 4500 + 4500 = 9000
Sec 44:- Release of one joint promisor :- where one of the joint promisors is released other joint promisors shall continue to be liable.
[In English law if one joint promisor – discharge then all the joint promisors discharge]
Sec 45:- Rights to claim performance of joint [Devolution of joint rights]
- During their joint lives – all the joint promisors .
- After the death of any of them – The representative of such deceased promise jointly with the surging promise
- With the representatives of all jointly.
Ex:- ‘A’ in consideration of Rs 50,000 lent to him by ‘B’ and ‘ C’ promises ‘B’ and ‘C’ jointly to replace them that sum with interest on a day specifies.
‘B’ dies. The right to claim performance rests with ‘B’ representatives jointly with ‘c’ during ‘C’ life.
And after ‘C’s death with the representatives of ‘B’ and ‘C’ jointly .
Time place and manner of performance [46 – 50]
- No time is specified for performance [Sec 46]
- Time of performance is not specified + promisor agreed to perform without, a demand from the promise the performance must be made within a reasonable time. Reasonable time – in each particulars case – a question of fact.
- Time specified but hour not mentioned [47].
Time of performance specified + promisor agreed to perform without application by the promisee
- Performance must perform on the day fixed during the usual business hours and at the place at which the promise ought to be performed.
- Where Time is fixed and application to be made [48]
- Proper place and within the usual hour of business
- Promisee to apply for performance
- Performance of promise where no place is specified and no application is to be made by the promise [49]
- It is the duty of the promisor to apply to the promise to appoint a reasonable place for the performance and perform it at such appointed place.
- Performance in manner or at time prescribed or sanctioned by promise [50]
- In such prescribed manner and
- Prescribed time
Ex:- ‘A’ desires ‘B’ who owes him Rs 10,000 to send him a promissory note for Rs 10,000 by Post. The debt is discharged as soon as ‘B’ puts into the post a letter containing the promissory note duly addressed to ‘A’.
Performance of reciprocal promises
Reciprocal Promise :- Promises which form the consideration or part of consideration for each other as called reciprocal promises.
- Mutual and Independent:- Such promises all to be performed by each party independently without waiting for the other party to perform his promise can’t excuse himself on the ground of non-performance by the default party.
- Mutual and Dependent:- Sue damage . The performance of promise by one party depended on the prior performance of the promise by other party.
[The party at fault becomes liable to pay compensation to the other party may sustain by the non performance of the contract – [54]
- Mutual and concurrent: – when reciprocal promises are to be performed simultaneously a promisor need not perform his part unless the promise is ready and willing to perform [51]
Order of performance of reciprocal promises [52]
- Where the order in which reciprocal promises one to be performed is expressly fixed by the contract – they must be performed in that order.
- Order is not expressly fixed – nature of transaction requires
Ex :- ‘A’ and ‘B’ contract that ‘A’ shall build a house for ‘B’ at a fixed price ‘A’ promise to build the house must be performed before its promise to pay for it.
Sec 53 :- One party preventing – voidable at the option of the other party so prevented.
– Compensation for loss
Sec 54 :- Legal and illegal
Legal – valid, illegal – void
Sec 58:- alternative promise, one branch being illegal legal branch alone can be enforced.
- A – B – 1000 rupees
- Deliver – rice + smuggled goods
Time as the essence of the contract (Sec 55)
Where time is essence – the concerned parties must perform their respective promises within the specified time.
Time are fact :- time is specified for the performance of the contract is not by itself sufficient to prove that time is essence of the contract- Intention of the parties.
Time is generally considered to be the essence of the contract :-
- where the parties have expressly agreed to treat as the essence of the contract.
- Delay operates as an injury to the party and
- Nature and necessities of the contracts requires it to be performs within the specified time.
- Delivery of the goods – considered – essence of the contract payment of the price – No
[However in case of sale and purchase of an immoral property, the time is presumed to not the essence of the contract]
Time is essence of the contract – party tails to perform
- In time – the contract becomes voidable at the option the other party.
Time is not essence – only claim damages for delay in performance
Assignment of contract :- (a) by – operation of law
(b) By an act of parties
Assignment is a made of transferring rights.
Rules regarding assignment
- The liabilities or obligations under a contract can’t be assigned
- The rights and benefits under a contract which not of a personal nature can be assigned.
- An actionable claim can always be assigned