Disabled Parking Placards

A new Persons with a Disability law went into effect August 1, 2013, concerning the issuance, qualifications, and style of the Temporary disabled parking placard.

In summary, a person applying for a temporary disabled parking placard will receive a temporary parking placard valid for only 6 months. At the end of 6 months, if they are still in need of temporary disabled parking privileges for the same temporary disability, they may re-apply for one more temporary disabled parking placard which will be valid up to 6 months.

This second 6-month period will require completion of another application, another $4 fee, and another visit to your physician. When the second 6-month placard expires, no further placards can be issued to that person for that temporary disability. At that point, if they are still in need of disabled parking privileges for the original temporary disability, they may apply for a permanent disabled parking placard, which has a different application, no fee, and can be applied for at any local New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission office (they are issued while you wait).


Permanent disabled parking placards are not available through The Office Of The Chief.

Permanent Disabled Parking Placards

Persons with permanent disabilities may choose to obtain a Permanent disabled parking placard (and/or license plates), which can only be accomplished through the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. To apply, you must complete this application (PDF) (remember to have your physician complete and sign his/her part of the application), and bring it into any New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission office, along with a written prescription, where the permanent disabled placard and/or license plates and corresponding Disabled Persons ID card will be issued while you wait. You do not need an appointment at NJ MVC to apply for a Permanent Placard or disabled persons license plates. The placard is valid for 3 years from date of issuance. As your expiration date approaches, you MAY receive a renewal notice from NJ MVC. Whether or not you receive this notice, renewing the placard requires you to repeat the steps you followed when you first applied, and a new placard will be issued to you. This process can also be done by mail; however, applying by mail takes approximately 6 and 8 weeks to receive your placard.

Replacing a Placard

If your permanent disabled parking placard is lost or stolen, you may have it replaced by bringing your Disabled Persons ID card and valid driver’s license to any local New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission office, and you will be issued a new permanent disabled parking placard and a new disabled persons ID card.

***The number on the bottom of a Permanent disabled parking placard is registered under your NJ driver's license, so if you replace a lost or stolen placard, this number will be changed to reflect the new placard number, and the lost or stolen placard will be invalidated. Should you locate the lost or stolen placard after a replacement has been issued, it should promptly be shredded/destroyed. A police officer can verify your identity and that you are the authorized owner of the placard simply by looking up the number on the bottom of your placard on the NJ MVC database, the same way your license plate can be looked up.***