Starting a Business in Texas

Texas's small businesses drive big business dreams. Texas is the leading job creator in the country and has the second largest state economy. Learn how to start and grow your business with the right information and resources.

COVID-19 Business Health Resources

COVID-19 help is available through small business resources.

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Getting started

There are seven basic steps to starting a business in Texas.

1. Write your business plan
2. Choose your business location
3. Finance your business
4. Decide on your business structure and register your business name
5. Determine business tax responsibilities
6. Figure out required licenses and permits
7. Learn business employer requirements

Talk to a tax consultant, accountant, or attorney to check that you meet all legal requirements.

Forms, Fees, and Filing

Part of starting a business is knowing what you’ll need to pay, which forms to file and how to submit those forms.

As you start your business and run your day-to-day operations, you’ll need to file business or nonprofit forms, reporting forms, and you may need to complete paperwork for trademarks.

Know the fees, payment, and filing options for your business.

Professional and occupational licenses and permits

Your business may need certain licenses or permits based on the services or products you offer.

Learn what's needed. Contact the local county and city government where you plan to do business. Download the guide for State required licenses and permits (PDF).

When you know the specific license you need for your occupation, find it in the directory.

Financing and incentives

Different types of bank financing are available to small business owners.

Most lenders will ask for the following items when you apply for a loan:


Texas Economic Development & Tourism

PO Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711