Water Cycle Worksheets

Have you ever wondered how rain is formed or where the rainwater disappears? Find answers to your queries with these pdf water cycle worksheets for grade 3 through grade 6. Included here are ample water-cycle-process-diagram charts with clearly marked stages and water cycle printable worksheets to identify and label the steps involved in the water cycle. Learn the hydrologic cycle vocabulary, match the terms with their definitions and much more. Make headway with our free water cycle worksheets and charts!

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Water Cycle Chart | Four Step Process

This visually appealing water-cycle-process-diagram chart depicts the four vital steps. 3rd grade and 4th grade kids learn terms like evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection with vivid illustrations.

Water Cycle Vocabulary Chart

Assist kids in identifying a few more steps like runoff, percolation, infiltration and transpiration. Explain the terms and processes involved in each stage with this printable water-cycle-chart for grade 4 and grade 5.

Water Cycle Definition Chart

This chart comprises the water-cycle-diagram and the definition of the basic terms in the water cycle vocabulary such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, surface runoff to mention a few.

Label the water cycle diagram

Once 5th grade kids are familiar with the processes and terms related to the water cycle, let them label the key processes in the water-cycle-diagram using the vocabulary given in the word bank.

Label the steps in the water cycle

The stages in the water cycle are marked and kids are expected to decipher the processes and write the correct terms in the spaces to complete this label-the-steps-in-the-water-cycle printable worksheet.

Match terms, <a href=definitions and processes" width="160" height="210" />

The key processes of the water cycle are indicated with alphabets and children are expected to decipher the process and match it with the correct term and definition in this water-cycle-matching pdf worksheet.

Water Cycle | Cut and paste activity

Test the knowledge of kids with this fun water-cycle-cut-and-paste-activity worksheet. Snip the given images and glue them in the captioned boxes to complete the worksheet.

Water Cycle | Terms and Definitions

This reconstruction activity has images presented in a tabulated format. The 5th grade and 6th grade children are expected to identify the process, write the correct term and definition in the given columns.

Water Cycle | Fill in the blanks

Reinforce the terms and definitions and test comprehension with this water cycle fill in the blanks pdf worksheet. Children in grade 5 and grade 6 are expected to read the sentences and plug in the missing words or phrases.